Seit nun etwas mehr als einem Jahr veranstalten die Jungs von Submatik ihre eigenen Partys in Hamburg. Für die neue Ausgabe ihrer “Liquid Concrete”-Reihe am 28. November im angesagten Docks haben sie sich nicht lumpen lassen und ihre Kontakte spielen lassen.
So finden sich auf dem Lineup gleich drei Acts, die extra aus den Niederlanden anreisen um zu zeigen, wie man drüben zwischen Clogs, Tulpen und Windmühlen unser aller Liebstes gebührend feiert: Drum & Bass.
Anlässlich des Deutschland-Debüts der niederländischen Newcomer NCT im Hafenstädtchen, haben wir uns die Jungs mal bei Seite genommen und ein paar Fragen gestellt.
Q: Guys, the show in Hamburg is your German debut, please introduce yourself to our readers.
A: Hi there. I am Jeroen Nai Chung Tong, the producer of NCT, 21 years old, born and raised in the Netherlands and I am producing Liquid Drum & Bass since around 4 years. The second man behind NCT is Alex, he is the main DJ – so we perform as a team behind the decks.
Q: Wicked! We just took a listen through the recent Liquicity album and it is sounding tremendous! Also, we were amazed by your production with German youngstar Dualistic – any other releases on the horizon?
A: So far this is the only release that is actually planned, but we have a few tracks that are being made ready for release, so there probably will be more release dates soon enough!
Q: We cannot wait to hear them! Speaking of production, what actually got you into Drum & Bass and who belongs to your top-5-most-influential-producers list?
A: I always like this question.. The first time I really got in touch with (Liquid) DNB was when some friends showed me Logistics, High Contrast, Danny Byrd etc. but most importantly Netsky. His music and he as individual inspired me to think I could also do this and since I always wanted to do something more serious with music it seemed like the right time.
Q: Very nice! So you are coming from a DNB-heavy country – what are your expectations considering the foreign crowd?
A: Well, the only foreign crowd we have played to so far is the Belgian crowd and it is much different than dutch crowds.. So I have no idea how hard they party in Germany to be honest, I guess they will have to show us :D
Q: I’m sure they will! So expanding to other locations is a good step towards being an international player in the scene, what are your further plans for the future when it comes to shows?
A: We will see what the future brings us, we are hoping to soon also be seen in the UK, but there’s nothing confirmed yet. We recently signed to Murdock’s agency „Them Apples“ for international bookings, so we hope it will help us a little bit breaking through internationally.
Q: Wicked, I’m sure the future looks rather bright for you! Thanks for taking the time to talk to us – we wish you a lovely night in Hamburg.
A: Cheers man, thanks you!
Wenn ihr bei der anstehenden Liquid Concrete am 28.11. in Hamburg dabei sein wollt, habt ihr hier die Chance euch 2x 2 Gästelistenplätze zu sichern.
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Gepostet von Liquid Concrete am Sonntag, 23. November 2014