Die Drill’n’Bass-Legende Squarepusher bringt am 14. Mai sein neues Album „Ufabulum“ heraus. Mit „Dark Steering“, dem ersten Titel aus dem Album, verarbeitet Tom Jenkins laut eigener Aussage einen Alptraum über Nuklearraketen, die über den nächtlichen Himmel zogen und versucht die gefühlten Emotionen in seinem neuen Werk zu verarbeiten:
„For a while I had apocalyptic nightmares about trails of nuclear missiles in the night sky. So I aimed to recreate that strange combination of exhilaration, terror and sadness both visually and emotionally through this piece. It lead to the idea of a spacecraft leaving earth at vast speed to escape, but oddly the music also made me think of it flying through a library. So I generated the visual aspect such that, as the piece progresses, it seems as if the viewer is ever accelerating through massive corridors of books.“
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